PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Chemical composition of renal stones and the levels of their certain components in serum and urine
Article published in Urologia Polska 1981/34/2.


Witold Patrzyk
Klinika Urologii Instytutu Chirurgii Śl. AM w Katowicach
Kierownik Instytutu: prof. dr hab. Cz. Sadliński
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. J. Zieliński


The author determiimed the levels of calcium and umie acid in the serum and urine in patients with renoureteral stones for comparing the obtained results with those in a group of healthy controls. In this way it was itrded to answer Itbe ąuestion whether a diet based on an analysis of the sitones and level of litnogenic components in the serum and urine is jusltified in meltaphyilaxiis .of urolithiasis.
, The mean serum calcium level dn the patients 'with calcium urollithaaBis is significantly higher than in healthy oonitrols, on the other hand, in .patiients with urate urolithdaisiis this dlfferenice showed no statistical siignificaince.
The mean serum uric acid level in patients with urate urolithiasis is signifi­cantly higher in relation to heailithy controls and patients with icalcium uinoii-thiasis.
The mean urinairy calcium and uric acid levels ;in paitdenits with both types of stones is significantly higher in relation to controls.
The reported (investigaltions showed that raised level iof lithogendc comiponents, that is calcium and uric acid. affects the chemical comiDosation of urfaary stones.


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