PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Review of surgery literature. Urology. November 2002 - October 2003 (part I)
Article published in Urologia Polska 2004/57/1.


Andrzej Borkowski, Tomasz Borkowski


  1. 1. BshcleipferTh. Kallieris 1). Hauck EW. i wsp. Blunt renal tmuma: Biomechanics and origination of renal lesions: Eur Urol 2002: 42: 614-621.
  2. 2. Elliot PS. McAninch )\\\\V: Ureteral injuries from external violence: 25-year experience at San Francisco General Hospital. J Urol 200 3: 170:1213-1216.
  3. 3. .Shcnfeld 0\\\'/.. Kisclgorf 1). Gofrit ON i wsp: Ute incidence andcauuses of erectile dysfunction after pc/Wr ractures associated with posterior urethral disruption. | Urol 200 3; 169: 2173-2176.
  4. 4. Tash JA. Stock |A. Hanna MK: Vie role of partial nephrectomy in the treatment of pediatric renal hypertension. J Urol 200 3: 169: 625-628.
  5. 5. Placer), Espinel B. Salido ML i wsp: Clinical utility of a multiprobe FISH assay in voided urine specimens for the detection of bladder cancer and its recurrences, compared with urinary cytology. Eur Urol 2002: 42: 547-552.
  6. 6. Borhan A. Recder JE. O\\\'C\\\'onncllI J. i wsp: Grade progression and regression I recurrent urothelial cancer. ] Urol 2003: 169: 2106-2109.
  7. 7. Soloway MS. Bruk I)S. Kim SS. Expectant management of small, recurrent, noninvasive papillary hlader tumors. ] Urol 2003: 170: 438-441.
  8. 8. Kim SI. Kwon SSM. Kim YS i wsp: Association of cyclooxygenase-2expression with prognosis of stage Tl grade i bladder cancer. Urology 2002:60:816-821.
  9. 9. Sylvester R|. van der Meijden A. Lamm 1)1.: Intravesical Bacillus Cal-mette-Guerin reduces the risk of progression in patients with superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trials.) Urol 2002: 168: i964-1970.
  10. 10. Sylvester RJ, van der Meijden APM. Oosterlinck W i wsp: The side effects of Bacillus Calmetle-Guerin in the treatement of TaTI Italadder cancer do not predict its efficacy: results from European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Genlto-Urinai-y Group phase III trial. Eur Urol 2003:44:42 3-428.
  11. 11. l)i Stasi MS. Giannantoni A. Stephen Rl.: Intravesical electromotive Mitomycin C versus passive transport Mitomycin Cfor high risk superficial bladder cancer: a prospective randomized study. | Urol 200 3; 170: 777-782.
  12. 12. Stein |P. Skinner IX!: Results with radical cystectomy for treating bladder cancer: a ..reference standard\\\"for high-grade, invasive bladder cancer. BJU International 2003; 92:12-17.
  13. 13. Konety BR. Joslyn SA. O\\\'Donnell MA. i wsp: Extent of pelvic lympha-denectomy and its impact on outcome in patients diagnosed with bladder cancer: analysis of a data from the surveillance, epidemiology and results program database. JOtol 2003:169:946-950.
  14. 14. Sternberg CN. Pansadoro V. Calabro F i wsp: Can patient selection for bladder preservation be based on response to chemotherapy. Cancer 2003:97:1644-1652.
  15. 15. Sanchcz-Ortis Rl\\\". Huang WC. Mick R i wsp: An intend longer than 12 weeks between the diagnosis of muscle invasion and cystectomy is associated with worse outcome in bladder carcinoma. J Urol 200 3: 169: 110-115.
  16. 16. Vallancien G. FJ Fcttouch HA. Cathcllneau X i wsp: Cystectomy with prostate sparing for bladder cancer in Kill patients: 10-years experience. | Urol 2002: 168:2413-2417.
  17. 17. Meinhardl VV. Horenblas S: Sexuality preserving cystectomy and neo-bladder (SI\\\'CS): functional results of a neobladder anastomosed to the prostate. Eur Urol 200 3:4 3: 646-650.
  18. 18. Vaughn DJ, Manola J. Dreicer R i wsp: Phase // study of I\\\'aclitaxel plus carboplatin inpatients with aihwicedcaninoma of the urothelium and renal function (E2896). Cancer 2002: 95:1022-1027.
  19. 19. Ricci S. Galli L. Chioni A i wsp: Gemcitabine plus F.pirubicin in patients with advanced uwthellial carcinoma who are not eligible for platinum-basedregimens. Cancer 2002: 95: 1440-50.
  20. 20. Mullerad M. Kastin A. Issaq E i wsp: Vie value of quantitative 99M Technetium (umcrcapto-succinic acid renal scintigraphy for predicting postpooperative renal insufficiency in patients undergoing nephrectomy. | Urol 2003: 169:24-27.
  21. 21. Ponsky LE. Crownover RL. Rosen MJ i wsp: Initial evaluation of cyberk-nife technology for extracorporeal renal tissue ablation. I rology 200 3: 61:498-501.
  22. 22. Wood B|. Abraham |. Hvizda |Li wsp: Railiofrequency ablation of adrenal tumors and adrenocortical carcinoma metastases. Cancer 201) 3:9 7: 554-60.
  23. 23. Naitoch Y. Kawaouchi A. Mizutanl Y. i wsp: Significant antitumor ef-fect of intratumoral Etanol injection on renal cell carcinoma. Eur Urol 200 3:44:452-457.
  24. 24. Wang P. Zuo Ch. Qian \\\'L. i wsp: Computerized tomography guided percutaneous etanol injection for the treatment of hyperfunctioning phe-ochromocytoma. | Urol 2003:170:1132-1134.
  25. 25. Pantuck AJ. Zisnian A. Dorey F. i wsp: Renal cell carcinoma with retroperitoneal lymph nodes: role of lymph node dissection. J Urol 200 3: 169: 2076-2083.
  26. 26. Han K-R, Pantuck AJ, But MI IT i wsp: Number of metastatic sites rather than location dictates overall swvival of patients with node-negative metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Urology 2003: 61: 314-319.
  27. 27. Baird AD. Woolfenden KA. Desmond Al) i wsp: Outcome and survival with nonsurgical management of renal cell carcinoma. B|U International 200 3: 91: 600-602.
  28. 28. Masters jRW. Koberle B: Curing metastatic cancer, lessons from testicular germ-cell tumours. Nature Reviews 2003: 3: 517-525.
  29. 29. Huyghe E. Matsuda T\\\'. Thonneau P: Increasing incidence of testicular cancer worldwide: a review. \\\\ Urol 200 3: 170: 5-11.
  30. 30. Dieckmann K-P. Pichlmeicr: Is risk of testicular cancer related to the body She? Eur Urol 2002:42: 564-569.
  31. 31. Warde P. Specht L Ilrwich A i wsp: Prognostic factores for relapse in stage I Seminoma managed by surveillance: a jhioled analysis.) Clin ()n-col 2002: 20: 4448-4452.
  32. 32. Che M. Tamboli PH. Ro )Y i wsp: Bilateral testicular germ cell tumor. Cancer 2002: 95: 1228-12 3 3.
  33. 33. Frimbcrger 1). I lungerhuber E. Zaak I), i wsp: FenUe carcinoma. Is SibYag laser therapy radical enough-) Urol 2002: 168: 2418-2421.
  34. 34. Thompson IM. Phyllis Ml). Goodman MS i wsp: Vie influence of Finasteride on the development of prostate cancer. N Engl | Med 200 3:349: 213-222.
  35. 35. Scardino IT: Tlteprevention of prostate cancer - the dilemma continues. Editorial. N Engl J Med. 200 3: 349: 295-297.
  36. 36. Marbergcr M. Adolfsson j. l3orkowski A i wsp: The clinical implications of the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial ll\\\'CITI. BJU International 200 3:92:667-671.
  37. 37. Duffield-l-illico AJ, Dalkin BE. Reid ME i wsp: Selenium supplementation. Ikiscline plasma selenium status and incidence o] prostate cancer: an analysis of the complete treatment period of the Nutritional Prevention of CancerTrial. BJU International 2003: 91: 608-612.
  38. 58. Khan MA. Han M. Parlin AW i wsp: Long-term cancer control of radical prostatectomy in men younger titan 50 years of age: update 200 J. Urology 2003: 62: 86-92.
  39. 39. Harisinghani MG. Barents?. J. Halm I\\\'F i wsp: Noninvasive detection of clinically occult lympli-node metastases in prostate cancer. N Engj) Med 2003: 348: 2491-2499.
  40. 40. Maan \\\'A, Cutting CW, I\\\'atel Li i wsp: Morbidity of transrectal ullrasono-gmphy-guided prostate biopsies in jxitients after continued use of low-dose aspirin. BJU Internationiil 2003:91: 798-800.
  41. 41. Massengill JC. Sun L. Moul JW i wsp: Prelrealment total testosterone levels predicts pathological stage in patients with localize prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy. J Urol 2005: 169: 1670-1675.
  42. 42. Freedlaiid S). deGregorio P, Sacoolidge JC i wsp: Preoperative p27 status is an independent predictor of prostate specific antigen failure following iwlicaiprostatectomy. J Urol 2003: 169: 1525-1 5 50.
  43. 45. Grimaldi JI\\\'. Flcshner N, Deboer G i wsp: Outcomes of 200 patients with localized prostate cancer enrolled in a watchful waiting protocol. UroOncology 2002: 2: 9 5-94.
  44. 44. Brandli I)W. Koch MO. Foster RS i wsp: Biochemical disease-free survival in patients with a high prostate-specific antigen level (20-100 ng/ml) and clinically localized prostate cancer. BJU International 2005: 92: 19-25.
  45. 45. Powell IJ, Tangen CM. Miller G) i wsp: Xeoajuvant therapy before radical prostatectomy for clinical TS/T4 carcinoma of the prostate before radical prostatectomy: 5-year followup. phase II Southwest Oncology Gro-up study 9109. J Urol 2002; 168:2016-2019.
  46. 46. Salomon L. Lcvrel 0. de la \\\'Faille A i wsp: Localisation des marges d\\\'exe-resciwitivesapiUsprostatectomie radicalepar vote retropubienne. jierine-aleel luparoscopique. Progres en Urologie 2002: 12: 628-654.
  47. 47. Bader I> Burkhard PC. Markwaldcr R i wsp: Disease progression and survival of patients with positive lymph nodes after radical prostatectomy. Is there a chance of cure?) Urol 200 5: 169: 849-854.
  48. 48. Sacco DE. Daller M. Grocela JA i wsp: Corticosteroid use after prostate brachylherapy reduces the risk of acute urinary retention. BJU International 2005: 91: 545-349.
  49. 49. Freedland SJ. Sultter ME. Dorey F i wsp: Defining the ideal cutpoinl for deterntinig PSA recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Urology 200 5: 61: 565-569.
  50. 50. Pcyromaure M. Allouch M. Eschwege P i wsp: Salvage radiotherapy for biochemical reccurence after radical prostatectomy: a study of 62 (*t-tients. Urology 2005: 62: 505-507.
  51. 51. D\\\'Amico AV. Cote K. I-offredo M i wsp: Determinants of prostate cancer-specific survival after radiation therapy for patients with clinically lo-adized prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol 2002: 20: 4567-4575.
  52. 52. D\\\'Amico AV. Cote K. Loffrcdo M i wsp: Advanced age at diagnosis is an independent predictor of time to death from prostate carcinoma for patients undergoing external beam radiation therapy for clinically localized prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2005: 97: 56-62.
  53. 55. D\\\'Amico AV: How to compare results after surgery or radiation for localized prostate carcinoma. Editorial. Cancer 2002; 95: 2041-204 5.
  54. 54. Pcdraza R. Kwart AM: Hormonal therapy for patients with advanced adenocarcinoma of the prostate: is there a role for discontinuing treatment after prolonged androgen supression. Urology 200 5: 61: 770-775.
  55. 55. Smith MR. Eastham J. Gleason DM i wsp: Randomised controlled triid of zohvdmnic add to prevent bone loss in men receiving androgen deprivation thempy for nonmetastaticprostate cancer. | Urol 200 5: 169:2(K)8-2012.
  56. 56. O\\\' Sullivan |M, Norman AR. Cook GJ i wsp: Hrotuiiung thecriteria for avo-iding staging Ixmescims in prostate caiu vr. a retrospective study of patients at the Royal Marsden Hospital. BJU International 2005:92:685-689.


Andrzej Borskowski
Katedra i Klinika Urologii AM
ul. Lindleya 4
02-0500 Warszawa