PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1984/37/4.


Andrzej Borkowski, Tadeusz Krzeski, Maciej Czaplicki, Andrzej Borówka, Maciej Niemierko, Jerzy W±sik, Bogdan Pruszyński, Wiesław Jakubowski, Ryszard Pacho, Sylwia Malanowska, Przemysław Stafiej
Z Kliniki Urologii Instytutu Chirurgii AM w Warszawie
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. T. Krzeski Kierownik Instytutu: prof. do hab. med. B. Szczygieł
Z Instytutu Radiologii AM w Warszawie Kierownik Instytutu: prof. dr hab. med. B. Pruszyński


Among 163 patients with urographioally diagnosed ?renal tumour" in 128 patients with preoperative diagnosis verified after nephrectomy arteriography was done in 101 cases, ultrasonography in 47 and Computer tomography in 41.
False negative results in cases of renal carcinoma were found only in angio-graphic investigations. Considerable reduction of arteriographic investigations in the diagnosis of renal tumours is suggested, with their replacement with ultra­sonography which should be used for qualification for other diagnostic procedures.


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