PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1985/38/1.


Zbigniew Janiak, Leszek Jeromin, Krzysztof Kula
Z Kliniki Urologii Instytutu Chirurgii AM w Łodzi
Kierownik Kliniki: doc. dr hab. med. L. Jeromin
Z Pracowni Andrologii Klinicznej Instytutu Endokrynologii AM w Łodzi Kierownik Pracowni: dr n. med. K. Kula


Quantitative and qualitative changes of the semen were disclosed in patients with varicocele. Retroperitoneal division of the testicular vein with an own mo-dificaition of the techni±ue of intraoperative phlebography improved the basic pa­rameters of the semen in patients operated upon for varicocele. It was also de­monstrated that the presence of tapering forms of spermatozoa was not always found in cases of varicocele.


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