PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 1997/50/4.


Jarosław Ćwikła, Marek Żabiński 1, Sławomir D±browski 2, Leszek Królicki 3
Zakład Roentgenodiagnostyki i Medycyny Nuklearnej
CMKP Warszawa, PSK nr 2 im. prof. Adama Grucy
Kierownik: lek. med. J. Szawdyn
1 Oddział Urologii
Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej - Szpital Miejski im. Mikołaja Kopernika
10-045 Olsztyn, al. Niepodległo¶ci 44
Kierownik: lek. med. M. Żabiński
2 Katedra Mikrobiologii, Politechnika Gdańska
80-952 Gdańsk, ul. Narutowicza 11/12
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. J. Kur
3 Zakład Medycyny Nuklearnej i Rezonansu Magnetycznego
Wojewódzki Zespół Publicznych Zakładów Opieki Zdrowotnej
03-242 Warszawa, Kondratowicza 8
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. L. Królicki


kidney RCC multidrug resistance mRNA MDR-1, RT-PCR


Objective. The failure of chemotherapy to cure more than a minority of
tumours is predominantly due to drug resistance. Cancers with overexpression
of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) are resistant to a structurally and functionally diverse
group of chemotherapeutic compounds which include anthracyclines, vinca
alcaloids and actinomycin D. Pgp is encoded by MDR-1 gene. Normally high
levels of mRNA MDR-1 gene expression was found in the normal human kidney,
in the proximal tube epithelium. This tissue is usually an origin of most renal
cell cancers. The renal cell carcinoma is a well-known tumour type demonstrating
usually Pgp overexpression and usually it is resistant to standard chemotherapy.
Some previous reports find out that overexpression of Pgp in renal tumours
may be variable, most likely depending of tumour type and differentiation.
Tumours reported to express no Pgp could be considered to appropriate
chemotherapy. The aim of this initial study is estimation of mRNA MDR-1
gene expression in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients.
Patients and Methods. We considered in this study 10 patients with
histopathological confirmation of RCC. All patients were treated by standard
radical nephrectomy. Specimens of the tumour tissue were harvested during
operation immediately after removed affected kidney. Each tumour samples
were assessed to presence mRNA MDR-1 gene expression by specific semi-
quantitative method, based on the reverse transcryptase ? polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR).
Results. The detectable level of MDR-1 expression was found in 5 patients.
Others had no detectable levels.
Conclusion. In this initial study we would like to presented a potential
role of assessement mRNA MDR-1 gene expression measurement in untreated
RCC patients. This simple and sensitive method seems to by promising tool
in detecting MDR-1 gene expression and has a value in potential further
chemotherapy in patients with RCC.


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