PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 1998/51/4.


Bolesław Otulakowski 1, Andrzej Limanowski, Bogdan Miskowiak, Małgorzata Partyka, Aneta Konwerska
1 Katedra i Zakład Anatomii Prawidłowej AM w Poznaniu
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. med. W. WoĽniak
Katedra i Zakład Histologii i Embriologii AM w Poznaniu
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr hab. med. A. Łukaszyk


prostate perinatal estrogen treatment in rats gonadotrophins testosterone


Objective. In recent studies we demonstrated that perinatal estrogen treat-
ment led to extensive lesions in reproductive system of male rats, evident after
the rats reached maturity. That was accompanied by 50% decrease in serum te-
stosterone level. In such conditions, ventral prostate demonstrated hyperplasia
of connective tissue and of muscular sublayer as well as morphological and func-
tional lesions of the glandular epithelim. Present studies aimed at searching for
a possible stimulatory effects of gonadotrophins and of testosterone on ventral
prostate of rats pretreated with perinatal estrogens and at comparative analysis
of effects of the two hormones on the examined gland.
Material and methods. In their first day of life, male rats were subcutaneously
injected with a single dose of 1 mg Stilbestrol. Subse±uently, following 20 days,
one group of the animals received for 39 days PMS (gonadotrophins FSH and
LH) at the daily dose of 10IU while the other group received testosterone at the
daily dose of 3 mg. Untreated rats of the same age served at controls. The rats
were killed by exsanquination. Serum LH gonadotrophin and testosterone were
established by RIA techni±ues. Following weighing, ventral prostates were fixed
in Bouin's solution and the H + E stained sections were examined under micro-
scope. In the aim of a more objective appraisal, the height of glandular epithe-
lium and the fraction formed by epithelium in the total volume of the organ were
evaluated using Computerized analysis. Results of estimating hormone levels and
of morphometric measurements were subjected to statistical analysis using Dun-
can^ test.
Results. Perinatal estrogen treatment lowered serum testosterone level to 50%
control values and, in parallel a triple elevation in serum LH gonadotrophin le-
vels. This was accompanied by a decrease in the relative weight of ventral pro-
state, decrease in height of glandular epithelium and by hypertrophy of the con-
nective tissue-muscular sublayer. Gonadotrophin or testosterone stimulation
restored close to normal parameters. In such effects, PMS exerted its action indi-
rectly, i.e. stimulating Leydig cells, as proven by the three-f old increase in serum
testosterone levels in the rats.
Conclusions. The f avourable stimulatory effect was demonstrated of gonado-
trophins and of testosterone on ventral prostate in rats pretreated with perinatal
estrogen treatment. The results may prove significant in urology, when gonado-
trophins are used in prostate therapy in humans.


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