PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 1999/52/1.


Wojciech Pypno
Klinika Urologii CMKP w Warszawie
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. A. Borówka


bladder hemangioma laser treatment


Bladder hemangioma is a rare tumor recognized mainly in first two decades
of human life. Hematuria is its predominant symptom. The case of 10 years
old boy whom the partial cystectomy with an incomplete removal of the
hemangioma has been made at two is presented. During the following years
he had two transurethral coagulations of the fragments of the tumors. The
successive hematuria were so dramatic that the radical cystectomy for the
salvation of life has been considered. However, the use of Nd: YAG laser led
to control of hematuria and then to complete destroy of the said tumor. The
annual observation of the above mentioned patient is the basis for evaluation
of the treatment as very good although the boy must be under the still


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