PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 2000/53/3.


Zygmunt Dobrowolski 1, Mieczysław Gałęzia 2, Wacław Lipczyński 1, Janusz Jaszczyński 1, Wiesław Węglarz 1, Bolesław Papla 3
1 Katedra i Klinika Urologii CM UJ
Kierownik: dr hab. med. Z. Dobrowolski
2 Oddział Urologii Szpitala w Czerwonej Górze
Ordynator: dr med. M. Gałęzia
3 Katedra Patomorfologii CM UJ
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. J. Stachura


minor pelvis ? non-typical tumours


Tumours in minor pelvis may originate not only from the parts of urinary
tract or sexual system situated in this space but from other tissues like muscular,
fat and connective as well. They may exist as a singular or multifocular
infiltration and sometimes they coexist with other neoplasms or with specific
and non-specific inflammation.
Material and methods. There were 7 patients treated in period 1992-1998 in
Urological Clinic of CM UJ in Kraków and in Urological Ward of the hospital
in Czerwona Góra. Pathological examinations proved the tissue structure
very rare existed in minor pelvis. The age of patients was 26-65 years.They
were 2 women and 5 men among them. The tumour was found in 3 patients
in minor pelvis and retroperitoneal space during physical examination. In
other 4 cases it turned to be a bladder tumour. The first diagnosis was based
on ultrasonography than followed by IVU an CT. Additionally the biopsy
was performed in 3 cases. Each patient was operated on. Schwannoma type
Antoni B was found in 1 case, Schwannoma malignum in 1 case and 1 case of
very large fibroadenoma 40 cm in diameter.
Tumours resected from the bladder turned to be adenocarcinoma male
differentiatum in 1 case, carcinoma planoepitheliale keratodes in 2 cases and
pheochromocytoma malignum in 1 case.
Conclusions. In diagnosis of the tumours in minor pelvis ultrasonography is
the method of choice. CT, MRI and BAC are useful very often because of
heterogeneous lesions. Especially BAC may supply the important diagnostic
informations. Coexistaence with many other lesions, inflammation included,
make the diagnosis and treatment very difficult. In nontypical and large
tumours of the retroperitoneal space the risk of the laparotomy should be


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