PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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CODE: 2.2 - Kidney graft preparation and transplant operation technique
Article published in Urologia Polska 2006/59/Suplement 1.


Józef Matych, Jerzy Żurek, Andrzej Święs, Paulina Sikorska-Radek, Oskar Pietraszun, Agnieszka Skrzypek, Barbara Krauze, Jacek Pietrzykowski, Konrad Pietraszun, Paweł Jałmużna
Oddział Urologii i Transplantacji Nerek Wojewódzkiego Specjalistycznego Szpitala im. M. Pirogowa w Łodzi


Introduction. Dialysis and kidney transplantations are justified methods of end-stage kidney-failure treatment. Due to the development of vascular surgery, immunology and pharmacology kidney transplantation is considered as a treatment which is safe for transplant recipients. Transplanted kidney restores homeostasis and is capable of lost endocrine function reconditioning. It is proven that average live duration after kidney transplantation is longer than live duration of ones who undergo dialyses. There is amount of 12000 patients in Poland who are currently treated with dialyses, 2500 of them are expecting for kidney transplantation. The average time of expectation for kidney donation was 14 months in 2004.
Objectives. The main purpose of the video presentation is author's desire of showing how to prepare and how to transplant kidney allograft, the film includes operation technique.
Materials and methods. 1.The stage of kidney graft preparation includes: renal capsula adiposa removal, renal vein and artery preparation for vascular anastomosis procedure. 2. The procedure of renal graft transplantation consists of following procedures: iliac vessels access, kidney recipient's iliac vessels and graft pedicle anastomosis, vascular anastomosis scrutinization, transplanted kidney ureter to recipient's bladder anastomosis, blood supply evaluation.
Results. In 1996-2005, 300 kidney transplantations were performed. The outcomes of treatment of patients who underwent in our center are comparable with ones from another centers in Poland.
Conclusions. The presented feature of operation technique is acceptable form of presentation that meets urologist-in-training expectations. It is suitable for spreading the idea of kidney transplantation among the urologists. Operator's own technique filming is very helpful in making this technique better.