PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Influence of parathyreoidectomy on reduction of litogenezy, among patients with parathyroid adenoma
Article published in Urologia Polska 2002/55/3.


Bogusław Kosiński 1, Anhelli Syrenicz 2, Norbert Taraszkiewicz 1
1 Oddział Chirurgii Rejonowego Szpitala w Policach
Ordynator: dr Bogusław Kosiński
2 Klinika Endokrynologii, Nadciśnienia Tętniczego i Chorób Przemiany Materii PAM w Szczecinie
Kierownik kliniki: prof, dr hab. Krystyna Pilarska


parathyroid glands-adenoma, kidney stones, parathyreoidectomy, reduction of litogenesis


Introduction. Nephrolithiasis is the matter of a great concern as it affects 1,5% of population in the age between 30 and 50. In 50% of cases it occurs only one stone during the whole life but the rest of patients have the recurrence of nephrolithiasis during the first five years from the first episode. Nowadays among patients with nephrolithiasis it is posible to ascertain in 3-5% of cases occurence of primary hyperparathyreoidismus. In this cases removal of parathyroid glands lead to stabilisation of biochemical parameters and considerable reduction of reoccurance of nephrolithiasis episods.
Aim of the study. Aim of presented paper is demonstration of parathyroidectomy influence on reduction of lithogenezy among patients with parathyroid adenoma. The influence of parathyroidectomy was observed during the period of 6-36 months since the operation time.
Material and method. 8 patients with conducted parathyreoidectomy - because of parathyroih adenoma where taken into consideration. Patients were observed during period 6-36 months from operation. The normalisation of biochemical parameters and reduction of clinical symptoms of nephrolithiasis were appraised.
Conclusions. The aim of presented study demonstrates of influence of parathyreoidectomy on redution of litogenesis, among patients with parthyroid adenoma. The influence of parathyreoidectomy was observed during the 6-36 months period, from the operation time.


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Bogusław Kosiński
Oddział Chirurgii SP ZZOZ
ul. Siedlecka 2a
72-010 Police