PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Modern surgical treatment of the distal penile and coronal hypospadias without curvature
Article published in Urologia Polska 2004/57/2.


Marek Górniak
SCANMED, Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej w Krakowie
Prezes: dr med. Tadeusz Łyczakowski
Oddział Chirurgii Dziecięcej Specjalistycznego Szpitala im. Stefana Żeromskiego w Krakowie
Ordynator oddziału: dr med. Maria Wieczorek-Grohman


hypospadias, surgical treatment, children


Presenting the results of the surgical treatment in distal penile and coronal hypospadias without curvature, using urethral plate.
Thirty four children with the mentioned malformation were treated. In 23 of them the method TIP was performed, GAP - in 3, Barcat-Mathieu - in 4 and MAGPI - in 4 other patients. Twenty one patients were treated as day-surgery cases and released home the same day. Three calibrations of the urethra were applied in the postoperative period.
The cosmetic effect was good in all cases. Three boys were reoperated: in two cases the urethral fistula, while in one the fistula of preputium developed. At the first calibration 3 weeks after the TIP operation a tendency for stricture was noted.
Reconstructive operations in distal penile and coronal hypospadias with the use of the urethral plate produce excellent cosmetic effect. The rate of complications is similar to communications of other authors.