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Local, ultrasound-guided blockade of neuro-vascular boundles improves quality of life of patients after transrectal prostate biopsy
Article published in Urologia Polska 2002/55/1.


Marcin Słojewski, Adam Goł±b, Bartłomiej Gliniewicz, Andrzej Sikorski
Katedra i Klinika Urologii Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie Kierownik kliniki: prof, dr hab. Andrzej Sikorski


prostate cancer biopsy quality of life local anesthesia


Introduction. Transrectal, ultrasonographically guided core prostate biopsy remains the main method of prostate cancer diagnostic. Despite it is painful procedure for 70-80% of patients, most of urologists have been performing this without any anesthesia.
Objective. To evaluate the quality of life men who had undergone prostate biopsy with local blockade of neuro-vascular boundles (NVB).
Material and methods. In 55 randomized patients among 105, NVB blockade was performed before prostate biopsy. Control group consists of remaining 50 men. After 10 days patients were asked for filling the self-constructed questionnaire concerning pain after biopsy, use of analgetic drugs, fever, presence of blood in urine, stool and semen; the decision about rc-biopsy if needed. Results. In both groups age, biopsy type and the number of cores were similar. Pain afer biopsy was reported by 37% of patients with NVB blockade and 57% of patients biopted without anaesthesia (p<0,05). Pain during micturition, dysuria and the use of analgetics drugs were reported in both groups in 20%, 33% and 8,8% i 15% respectively. Due to „post-biopsy\" symptoms 6,6% and 5,2% in both groups were consulted by family doctor or urologist. In group with NVB blockade 95% and 75% in non-anaethesized group, would accept the decision of re-biopsy (p<0,05).
Conclusion. Local, ultrasound-guided NVB blockade is safe, cheap and highly effective. We have observed no complications. Patients significantly less complaint of biopsy and post-biopsy pain and often agree for second biopsy. In our opinion, this method improves the quality of life of patients after prostate biopsy


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Maran Słojewski
Katedra i Klinika Urologii Pomorskiej AM
ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 12
70-111 Szczecin
tel/fax (0-91) 466 11 00