PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1992/45/3.


Tadeusz Zajączkowski, Andreas Paul Zamann, Anton Michael Zamann, Winfried Straube
Z Oddziału Urologicznego Marienhospital Essen Kierownik Oddziału: prof. dr med. W. Straube


The paper is based on 16 year observation of 117 patients operated for nephroptosis. In 91.4% patients treatment was fully successful and 4.3% of them developed complications. Clinical symptoms, diagnostic problems, curative procedures and operation indications are discussed.


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dr med. Tadeusz Zajączkowski 4300 Essen 12, Niemcy. Hospital Str. 24 Marienhospital, Urologische Abteilung