PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Lipoma of hillus- renalis as the cause of renal pains and hydronefrphnosis in one- kidney patient
Article published in Urologia Polska 1993/46/1.


Lech Balt, Ryszard Karakiewicz
Oddział Urologii Szpitala Miejskiego w Gdańsku-Zaspie
Kierownik Oddziału: lek. med. R. Karakiewicz
Dyrektor Szpitala: lek. med. T. Podczarski


Lipome of hillus renalis — the cause of renal gripping pains and urinary reflux disturbances in a patient with the only kidney.
The case of hillus renalis lipome pressing renal pelvis in patient with the only kidney is presented in the paper. Syndrome of clinical symptoms and radiological image were significant for radiolucent stockhorn stone of renal pelvis. The case was diagnosed intraoperatively and after removal of the tumour (lipoma) the patient soon recovered completely.


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lek. med. Lech Balt Ul. Chyloriska 249 m. 136, 81-016 Gdynia