PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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The effects of stress urinary incontinence surgical treatment in women
Article published in Urologia Polska 2007/60/3.


Maciej Rogoszewski, Marian Grodoń, Janusz Skrobarczyk, Jakub Grudzień, Piotr Szu¶cik, Wiesław Koper, Włodzimierz Piaskowski, Wojciech Mencel
Oddział Ginekologiczno-Położniczy Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego nr 3 w Rybniku
Oddział Ginekologiczno-Położniczy Miejskich Zakładów Opieki Zdrowotnej w Żorach


urinary bladder, disturbances of pelvis minor statics, stress urinary incontinence SUI, surgical treatment


Introduction. Urinary incontinence is one of the most common diseases in women of post menopausal age and it applays to 40-50% of the population. Its most frequent form is stress urinary incontinence (SUI) together with disorders of pelvis minor statics. The aim of this study was evaluation of the results using various methods of surgical treatment of SUI. Material and methods. 393 women at the age of 28-62 who were operated on SUI and the disorders of pelvis minor statics between 1986-2004, were subjected to retrospective analysis. Anterior and posterior vaginoplasty was performed in 54 women and in 48 women anterior vaginoplasty with uterus suspension using Halban - Giliams - Doleris method. Marshall - Marchetti - Krantz (MMK) operation was performed in 174 women, in 32 women Aldridge - Goebel - Stockel operation was choosen, but in 4 of them prolene tape was used. Burch operation was performed in 18 patients. Retropubic sling tape; TVT in 25 and IVS in 35 women was performed.
After one year of observation of all operated patients the lack of improvement was found in 57 (14.5%), after two years in 85 (21.6%). The worst results were found in the group of 105 patients after vaginoplasty and uterus suspension - lack of improvement after first year was noticed in 22 (20.9%) and in 40 (38%) after two years. The best results were achieved using Burch operation - 100% of success and after sling operations TVT and IVS were we noticed after two years 72% and 82.9% improvement respectively.
The most effective surgical treatment of SUI is possible after restoring proper anatomical and functional conditions of pelvic minor as well as urethra and urinary bladder base on the integral theory of urinary incontinence.


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Maciej Rogoszewski
Oddz. Ginekologiczno-Położniczy
ul. D±browskiego 20
44-240 Żory
tel. 0 603 888 469