PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Successful reanastomosis of almost complete amputated segment of penis without microsurgical technique
Article published in Urologia Polska 2007/60/3.


Ryszard Jankiewicz
Department of Surgery, St. Walburg's Hospital, Nyangao, Tanzania


penis, amputation, non microsurgical reanastomosis


An almost completely amputated penis was successfully reattached, 16 hours after the injury, in a small rural hospital without microsurgery. This case demonstrates that a successful outcome is possible using standard surgical procedures that are often the only
available treatments in developing countries.


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Ryszard Jankiewicz
St. Walburg's Hospital, Nyangao
P. O. Box 1002 Lindi, Tanzania
tel. +255 717 404540