PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Conception of a domestic system of prophylaxis, treatment and monitoring of patients suffering from prostate cancer
Article published in Urologia Polska 2008/61/Supl. 1.


Tomasz Z±bkowski, Jan Figurski, Michał Pietrzyk, Henryk Zieliński
Katedra Logistyki Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej w Warszawie
Microsoft Polska sp. z o. o. w Warszawie
Klinika Urologii Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego CSK MON w Warszawie



The paper presents a general conception of a domestic system of prophylaxis, treatment and monitoring of patients suffering from prostate cancer utilizing IT technologies.


The aim of this research is elaboration of an idea of a domestic system of prophylaxis, treatment and monitoring of patients suffering from prostate cancer, in accordance with the current requirements of the Ministry of Health.
Materials and methods. The project basis for the elaborated system are the requirements for health state of men aged T>=40-100 years old defined by The Ministry of Health of The Republic of Poland in relation to the actual population group. Those requirements will be appropriately assigned to urological research centers across the country. Men will be assigned to a central registry of patients P(t). For the purpose of meeting the requirements the group will be divided into three subgroups Pd(t), Pz(t) Po(t) identifying accordingly: patients endangered by hereditary diseases, patients with exceeded PSA and F/T parameters an patients qualified for prostate cancer treatment. Those subgroups will be assigned to individual M urological institutions across the country. Basing on the the elaborated
prognosis functions patients assigned to individual country regions will be obliged with IT solutions to undergo mandatory periodic examinations in regional urological clinics. Basing on the examination results for patients in each of all defined age categories from each of the subgroups, health W(t) and sickness S(t) indicators and decease data will be determined. The gathered information will be compared with the basic requirements of the Ministry of Health. All data will be stored in a
central database server. Access to the data will be provided by two web applications - (1) application dedicated for data entry (2) application used for reports based on the entered and calculated data. Information about the health state of patients from individual urological examination institutions will be sent to regional clinics and the prophylaxis, treatment and monitoring management centre.


The results will be presented in a form of conceptual design of the mentioned system and after model research will be implemented practical use.


The paper presents system of prophylaxis, treatment and monitoring of patients suffering from prostate cancer. The presented idea is fully reuseable in other fields of medicine.