PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Following rabbit kidney cryosurgery
Article published in Urologia Polska 1979/32/1.


Józef Kroll, Bogdan Jurasz, Jerzy Atler
Klinika Urologiczna Instytutu Chirurgii AM w Poznaniu
Dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr med. R. Góral Kierownik
Kliniki: doc. dr med. W. Twardosz


The authors froze the lower pole of the kidney in 15 rabits using a cryoapplic-ator for 3 minutes. A prototype of Polish cryoapplicator cooled with liąuid nitrogen was used. The early effeets of freezing and the early and late effects of the produced changes are described.


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61-848 Poznań