PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

The value of urecholine, probantin and lyohesial for increasing bladder effioiency in transyerse spinał cord lesions
Article published in Urologia Polska 1979/32/3.


Józef Kowalczyk
Oddział Paraplegii Górniczego Centrum Rehabilitacji Leczniczej i Zawodowej w Reptach Śl.
Ordynator: dr med. J. Kowalczyk
Dyrektor: dr med. J. Daab


In 50 cases of neurogenic bladder dysfunetions caused by lesions of the spinał cord the routine methods of bladder rehabilita.tion were ext,ended adding to them treatment with Urecholinę, Protoantdn and Lyoresal. The course of rehabilitation treatment in these cases was compared with that in 20 similar cases rehabilitated without pharmacotherapy. Much better results were obtained in the first grouip adjusting the drugs to the type of dysfunction.


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Górnicze Centrum Rehabilitacji "Repty"
Oddział Paraplegii
42-662 Tarnowskie Góry 5