PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

słowo kluczowe:
digital rectal examination

Urologia Polska 2007/60/3

Oncological characterization of impalpable prostate cancer
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka, Gerard Grotthuss, Tomasz Dzik, Łukasz Nyk, Piotr Chłosta, Artur A. Antoniewicz

Urologia Polska 2007/60/1

Digital rectal examination as preliminary evaluation of local stage of prostate cancer prior to radical prostatectomy
Zbigniew Wolski, Łukasz Pokrywka, Michał Bryczkowski, Tomasz Drewa

Urologia Polska 2006/59/2

Preoperative estimation of usefulness of PSA and digital rectal examination in correlation with unfavorable prognostic pathological changes occurrence in specimen after radical prostatectomy
Krzysztof Bar, Robert Klijer, Radosław Starownik, Lech Wronecki, Marek Urban, Waldemar Białek