PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

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Urologia Polska 2008/61/1

Testosterone and prostate cancer
Monika Bonczyk, Romuald Zdrojowy, Dominika Makota, Anna Kołodziej

Urologia Polska 2007/60/2

The role of serum testosterone concentration in patients under hormonal therapy due to prostate cancer
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka

Urologia Polska 2003/56/2

Changes in estradiol and testosterone secretions in man with leydigioma and after removal of the tumour
Elżbieta Oszukowska, Jolanta Słowikowska-Hilczer, Marek Lipiński, Krzysztof Kula

Urologia Polska 2002/55/4

Aspects of testosterone use in aging men
Andrzej Łęcki
A hormonal level estimation in men treated due to testicular neoplasm
Tomasz Demkow

Urologia Polska 2002/55/3

Epitestosterone in the etiology of carcinoma of the prostate
Marek Mędra¶, Andrzej Basiewicz

Urologia Polska 2001/54/4

Morphological and morphometric studies on ventral prostate of the rat course of postnatal devclopmnet (computerised image analysis)
Bolesław Otulakowski, Andrzej Limanowski, Bogdan Mi¶kowiak, Małgorzata Partyka, Aneta Konwerska