PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Clinical eyaluation of soluran produced by pharmachim in the treatment of urine cholelithiasis
Article published in Urologia Polska 1981/34/3-4.


Anna Cieślak, Krzysztof Piechna, Narcyza Hartel-Ulkowska, Bolesław Kuzaka
Klinika Urologiczna AM w Warszawie
Kierownik: prof. dr med. S. Wesołowski


The results of clinical evaluation of the preparation Soluran produced by the Bulgarian firm Pharmaehim in the treaitimenit of urate cholelithiasds are reported. Soluran causes alkaliization of urine. The ewałuaition was carried out in 16 patients with nephrolithiasis and ureterolitihiasis, and 9 patients treated' prophylactically after surgical rernoval or dissolution of calculi by other drugs. The patienits were ta,king Soluran thrice daily, the rnean daily dose was 10 g. Alkalization iof urine in pH rangę 6.4?7.0 was achdeved. During drug treatment no uric acid crystals were found in the urine. To the group of patients with urolithiasis complete da*solution of calculi was obtained in 13 cases, after a mean time of 6 moiruths. In the group treated propnylaiotieailly no reeurremce of calculi was observed during 12 months. Soluran causes dissolution of uric-acid calculi and prevents cholelithiasis recurrence.


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