PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Prostatic biopsy with the Vim Silverman needle
Article published in Urologia Polska 1981/34/3-4.


Lesław Steinmetz, Włodzimierz Sz. Wajkert
Oddział Urologii Z.O.Z, im. M. Kopernika w Toruniu
Ordynator: dr med. L. Steinmetz


The authors carried out 67 biopsies of the prostate with the Vim Silverman needle through the perineum stessing the need of histological diagnosis before start-ing treatment. A higłHgrade agreement was demonstrated between the rectal exa-mination and the histological examination of the biopsy speoimen in advanced prostatic carcinoma. The patient coming for treatment are above 60 years of age (two-thiiids of patients) that is already in stages T3?T4. The necessity of rectal exaxnination of men aged over 45 years and biopsy examination in cases with sus-peoted carcinoma are emphasiaed.


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