PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1995/48/3.


Marek Pisarski, Eugeniusz Mięko¶
Z Kliniki Urologii ICh WAM
Kierownik Kliniki prof.dr hab. E. Mięko¶


We evaluated the group of six patients with prostatic cancer at age ranging from 61 to 77 years,
including four patients who were followed for longer than one year.
Local disease was controlled by means of digital rectal examination and transrectal ultrasound
with 4 MHz probe. Distant disease was estimated by chest radiogram, scintigram of skeleton, ultra-
sonography of abdominal cavity. Levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA), prostatic fraction of acid
phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase vere also contrrlled.
We used Anandron, in addition to orchiectomy, in a dose of 100 mg 3 times daily for 30 days, and
next in a dose of 50 mg 3 times daily.
In conclusion therapy of Anandron was generally well tolerated, except one patient. None of our
patients had symptoms of toxicity of the drug.


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