PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Article published in Urologia Polska 1997/50/2.


Wojciech Stachowiak, Jean Pierre Fleury, Lionel Camillieri, Marek Jemielity, Paweł Kwinecki, Charles De Riberolles
Klinika Kardiochirurgii IK AM im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. med. Aleksy Poniżyński
Klinika Chirurgii Sercowo-Naczyniowej Uniwersytetu w Clermont-Ferrand
Kierownik: prof. Charles de Riberolles


kidney renal cell carcinoma vena cava thrombus extracorporeal circulation


Objective. The paper reports the clinical results from 6 cases of renal cells carcinomas
with vena caval tumor thrombus.
Material and method. All the patients had tumor thrombus extension into the right
atrium. In all cases the patients underwent radical nephrectomy and vena caval
thrombectomy. Cardiopulmonary by-pass in normothermia was re±uired for transatrial
removal of all tumors.
Results. There were no operative deaths. Five of these 6 patients died from cerebral
or lung metastases from 4 to 7 months post-operatively (83,3%).
Conclusions. The presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, perinephric fat
involvement and distant metastases seems to influence the survival rate. The techni±ues
now available for surgical resection of all levels of tumor thrombus of the inferior vena
cava make resection feasible in most patients.


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