PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1997/50/4.


Andrzej Lemański, Marcin Szepietowski, Dariusz Krzemiński
Wojewódzki Oddział Urologiczny w Żyrardowie
Ordynator Oddziału: lek. med. Dariusz Krzemiński
Dyrektor ZOZ: lek. med. Andrzej Bułajewski


urinary bladder open injury


We report on a case of a 27 years old man with an opened, multiorgan
injury of abdominal cavity. There was a non-typical canal of the wound and
false informations obtained from the patient made diagnosis difficult.
Extraperitoneal and intraperitoneal ruptures of the bladder, displacement of
a fragment of fractured pubic bone to the peritoneal cavity with perforation
of the smali intestine were found during operation.


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