PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1998/51/3.


Wiesław Duda, Jan Kawecki, Mirosław Salamon, Krzysztof Łukojć, Krzysztof Sacha, Andrzej Szurkowski
Szpital im. E. Michalowskiego w Katowicach
Dyrektor: dr n. med. W. Duda


scrotum acute groin treatment


Objective. 109 patients after operational treatment with acute groin diagnosis
from 1993 to 1997 were analyzed. We evaluated methods of treatment and if final
diagnosis was confirmed with initial.
Material and methods. There were subseąuent reasons of acute groin: testis or
appendix torsion, lesion of the groin including lesion of the testis and infectious
groin diseases. According with age patients were divided into three groups:
children to 9 years old (68 i.e. 64.5%), adults between 10-60 years old (23 e.i. 21.1%)
and older people (18 e.i. 16.5%).
Results. The most common diagnosis in children was torsio testis vel appendix,
91 % confirmed during the operation, 6 from them had only acute epididymis
inflammation disease. We had to set operation treatment in all cases with groin
lesion. All patients with acute inflammation groin disease needed operation too
26 patients
Conclusions. Acute groin disease case is in our opinion indication for urgent


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