PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Relationship between hydronephrosis and patological stagien bladder cancer patients
Article published in Urologia Polska 2001/54/2.


Tomasz Demkow
Klinika Nowotworów Układu Moczowego Instytutu Onkologii w Warszawie Kierownik Oddziału Zabiegowego: dr n. med. Tomasz Demkow


bladder, bladder carcinoma, pathological stage, IVP, ureterohydrenephrosis


Objective: The relationship between hydronephrosis and pathological stage in bladder cancer patients has been examined.
Material and method: A retrospective review of 112 patients with transitional cell cancer of the bladder who underwent cystectomy was performed. All of the patients had IVP examination. The pathological stage has been assessed according to TNM classification.
Results: Preoperative IVP examination revealed unilateral hydronephrosis in 10,9% of the patients with stage £ pT3a. NO, in 38,5% of the patients with stage ^ pT3b,N0, and 48.4% of the patients with N+. Bilateral hydronephrosis and no obstruction has been found respectively in: 3.6%, 42,3%, 41,9% and 85,5%, 19,2%, 9,7% of the patients.
Conclusion: The presence of unilateral or bilateral hydronephrosis on IVP examination, performed before cystectomy for bladder cancer patients, predicted perivesical infiltration or positive lymph nodes.


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T)r n. mat. Tomasz Demkow
Ul. Maklakiewicza 17 m 78 02-642Warszawa