PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Infection of urogenity tract with aerobic bacterial flora in the course of urological treatment
Article published in Urologia Polska 1978/31/4.


Kazimierz Adamkiewicz, Wojciech Ahn, Alfred Samet
Klinika Urologiczna Instytutu Chirurgii AM w Gdańsku
Kierownik Kliniki: doc. dr hab. K. Adamkiewicz
Zakład Mikrobiologii Instytutu Patologii AM w Gdańsku
Kierownik Zakładu: prof. dr med. S. Kryński


Urine of 100 patients with urological disea­ses was examined bacteriologically at the admi-ssion to the hospital, at the end of the treat­ment and ofter 3—4 months.
It was found that significant number of the patients leave the hospital with uro-genitary infections. In about 50% of patients hos­pital suprainfection occurred. Necessity to prolong patients' care over the whole period of the infection and fre±uent bacteriological examinations was emphasized.


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Klinika Urologiczna Instytutu Chirurgii AMG
ul. Kieturakisa 1
80-742 Gdańsk