PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Surgical access to the kidney by partial excision of XI rib
Article published in Urologia Polska 1978/31/4.


Jarowit Stolarczyk
Klinika Urologiczna AM we Wroc³awiu
Kierownik: doc. dr hab. J. Stolarczyk


In certain situations typical surgical access to the kidney is insufrbient. In such cases the author performs partial excision of XI rib. Seventy two operations performed because of neoplasms, urolithiasis and hydronephrosis in highly located kidney confirmed advantages of such a method.


  1. Barry J., Hodges G.: The supracostal approach to the kidney and adrenal. J. Urol., 1975, 114, 666.
  2. Presman D.: Eleventh intercostal space incision for renal surgery. J. Urol., 1955,74, 578.
  3. Smith D., SchulteJ., Smart W.: Surgery of the kidney. Campbell, Harrison: Urology, W. B. Saunders 1970, 2143.


Klinika Urologiczna
ul. 1 Maja 8
50-043 Wroc³aw