PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

The simultaneous transuretheral resection of vesical neoplasm and prostatic hyperplasia
Article published in Urologia Polska 1992/45/4.


Tadeusz Zajączkowski, Herbert Kirschall, Winfried Straube
Z Oddziału Urologicznego Marienhospital Essen, Niemcy Kierownik Oddziału: prof. dr med. W. Straube


The article is based on a 5-year observation of 206 patients with bladder neoplasm. Two groups of patients were evaluated in regard to tumor recurrence in prostate and prostatic urethra. In the I group, in 99 patients transurethral resection of the bladder tumor was performed, in the II group, in 107 patients concomitant transurethral resection of vesical neoplasm and prostatic hyperplasia were done. In the first group, in 46 patients bladder recurrence and in 6 tumor in the prostatic urethra were observed. In the second group 44 and 6 recurrences appeared respectively. There was no significant influence of simultaneous resection of bladder tumors and prostate on the occurence of prostatic urethral tumors


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dr med. Tadeusz Zajączkowski, 4300 Essen 12,
Niemcy, Hospital Str. 24, Marienhospital, Urologische Abteilung.