PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Endourological treatment for nephrolithiasis of horseshoe kidney ? our experience
Article published in Urologia Polska 2005/58/4.


Michał Tkocz, Grzegorz Szkodny, Wiesław Duda
Oddział Urologiczny Szpitala im. Prof. Michałowskiego w Katowicach
Ordynator oddziału: dr n. med. Wiesław Duda


kidney, horseshoe kidney, nephrolithiasis, endourological treatment


Horseshoe kidney is one of the commonest urinary tract anomalies. Disturbances in urine flow and concomitant infections promote urolithiasis formation. Modern tools of urolithiasis therapy enable successful treatment of stones within kidneys of abnormal structure.
the aim of the study
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the results of treatment of stones located within horseshoe kidney or its ureter. Modern tools of lithotripsy and stones extraction were used.
material and methods
The charts of 9 patients (two patients with bilateral stones were included) were analyzed. PCNL allowed to clean 7 horseshoe kidney off (87.5% of all patients subjected to PCNL). URS was performed in three patients. In two of them complete stonek removal was achieved. Additional ESWL was completely successful in two patients.
Modern tools of urolithiasis therapy especially PCNL were found to be successful in the treatment of urolithiasis of horseshoe kidney.


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Michał Tkocz
Szpital Urologiczny im. Prof. E. Michałowskiego
ul. Strzelecka 9
40-073 Katowice
tel. 032 251 88 61 w. 282