słowo kluczowe: kidney
Prognostic value of histological examination of renal cell carcinoma
Iwona Wypychowska, Anna B±kiewicz, Stanisław Sporny
Management and results of treatment of renal injures
in children in 1992-2006
Wiesław Urbanowicz, Michał Wolnicki, Janusz Sulisławski, Radosław Mycek
Unilateral renal metastasis from mucinous rectal
carcinoma. Diagnostic difficulties
Marek Wyczółkowski, Tomasz Drewniak, Włodzimierz Klima, Wacław Wilk
New strategies in treatment of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Jakub Żołnierek,Piotr Wysocki,Paweł Nurzyński
The influence of surgical approach on the results of treatment of renal cell cancer
Leszek Bortnowski, Henryk Zieliński, Grzegorz Piotrowicz
The role of laparoscopic cyst decortication (LCD) in the treatment of autosomal dominant policystic kidney disease (AD PKD)
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Jacek Huk, Andrzej Kupilas, Aleksandra Sitko-Saucha
The use of haemostatic agent TachoComb® in management of splenic capsular tears during nephrectomy done for renal cancer
Henryk Zieliński, Bohdan Pawlicki, Jacek Anusik, Leszek Bortnowski,
Grzegorz Piotrowicz, Marek Gałka
Oncological characterization of renal tumor with thrombus extension
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka, Gerard Grotthuss, Tomasz Dzik
The development of arterial blood supply of human kidney during embryonic period
Piotr Cie¶liński
Should a poorly differentiated epithelial feature of Wilms' tumor be considered an unfavourable prognostic factor?
Jerzy Niedzielski, Rafał Becht, Katarzyna Taran
The influence of selected prognostic factors on survival of patients after surgical treatment due to RCC in own material
Tomasz Tuchendler
Spontaneous rupture of the neoplastic kidney tumour
Maciej Szczębara, Andrzej Paradysz, Marcin Życzkowski, Mieczysław Fryczkowski
Renal cell carcinoma in 14-years old boy - a rare manifestation of the renal tumor
Tomasz Koszutski, Grzegorz Kudela, Mirosław Mikosiński, Elżbieta Kuleta-Bosak, Ewa Kluczewska, Ludwik Stołtny
Results of the operative treatment of the renal cancer with the neoplasmatic thrombus involving VCI
Jerzy Polański, Maciej Czaplicki, Ewa KoĽmińska, Paweł Szalecki, Andrzej Borkowski
Comparison of methods of anesthesia used during radio-frequency ablation of renal tumors in patients with high operative risk
Elżbieta Kołodziejczyk, Marcin Matuszewski, Kazimierz Krajka
The use of lower calyx wall in calycopyeloureteral plastic procedure
Zofia Salska, Ryszard Jarzmus, Krzysztof Pliszek, Krzysztof Borkowski
Partial nephrectomy due to right renal tumor combined with simultaneous by-pass of the left renal artery stricture
Marcin Matuszewski, Emilia Pawłowska-Krajka, Jacek Wojciechowski, Kazimierz Krajka
Clear cell carcinoma in a patient with tuberous sclerosis - case report
Julita Borkowska, Andrzej Borówka, Artur A. Antoniewicz, Tomasz Dzik, Piotr Gastoł, Andrzej Ko¶ciesza, Sergiusz JóĽwiak
A case of vaginal metastasis of renal cancer
Marcin Klim, Janusz Kordasz, Jacek Ołubiec
The ipsilateral coexistence of urothelial carcinoma of the renal pelvis and renal cell carcinoma in the kidney
Roman Sosnowski, Marcin Ligaj, Tomasz Demkow, Wojciech Rogowski
Evaluation of approach to a kidney in laparoscopic nephron sparing surgery (L NSS) without ischemia in patients with pT1 kidney tumours
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Paradysz, Jacek Huk, Tomasz Pawlikowski
Lithiasis of ureteral stump after upper pole heminephrectomy
Ireneusz Ostrowski, Tadeusz Palec, Wojciech Wiatr, Krzysztof Mazurek, Bogusław Jakubowski, Janusz Ciechan
Oncological characteristic of incidental renal tumors
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka, Tomasz Dzik, Roman Sosnowski, Przemysław Szostek
Endourological treatment for nephrolithiasis of horseshoe kidney ? our experience
Michał Tkocz, Grzegorz Szkodny, Wiesław Duda
Calycoureterostomy in children
Piotr Gastoł, Małgorzata Baka-Ostrowska, Lidia Skobejko-Włodarska, Krystyna Strulak, Karina Felberg
Adenoma nephrogenes of the renal pelvis
Stanisław Kwarciński, Wojciech Kołaczyk, Wojciech Franków, Tomasz Obelinda
Subcutaneus urinary diversion ? alternative to percutaneus nephrostomy
Leszek Szymański, Marek Salagierski, Marek Lipiński, Małgorzata Goł±b-Lipińska, Leszek Jeromin
Comparision of results of nephron-sparing surgery (NSS) with surgical margins to 3 mm versus over 5 mm width in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Kupilas, Andrzej Paradysz, Andrzej Potyka, Marcin Życzkowski
Giant kidney tumor liposarcoma type
Teresa Gawlik-Jakubczak, Kazimierz Krajka, Marcin Markuszewski
Surprisingly positive effect of palliative immunochemotherapy of lung- and liver-disseminated renal cancer
Grzegorz ¦wi±toniowski, Szymon Brużewicz, Tomasz Kłaniewski, Elżbieta Suder, Włodzimierz Molenda
Renal angiomyolipoma in Bourneville-Pringle syndrome
Bartosz Małkiewicz, Janusz Dembowski, Michał Wróbel, Romuald Zdrojowy, Anna Kołodziej, Jerzy Lorenz
Posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula and pseudoaneurysm of renal artery complicated with hemodynamic disturbances and cirrhosis
Marek Długosz, Krzysztof Bar, Jerzy Stanisławek, Adam Prażanowski, Grzegorz Zarzycki, Andrzej Niewczas
Prognostic value of flow cytometry in carcinoma of the kidney
Janusz Dembowski, Michał Wróbel, Anna Kołodziej, Danuta Du¶, Bartosz Małkiewicz, Jarosław Kasprzak, Krzysztof Dudek
Evaluation of nephron-sparing surgery (NSS) results depending on tumor location in the kidney
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Paradysz, Andrzej Potyka, Zofia Krauze-Balwińska
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and urothelial carcinoma of the renal pelvis. Case report
Tomasz Górecki, Barbara Kaszuba, Dorota Frankiewicz, Mirosław Bogacki
Andrzej Koziak, Krzysztof Sikora, Adam Dorobek, Adam Marcheluk, Ryszard Szcze¶niewski, Piotr Kania, Tadeusz Dmowski
Michał Tkocz, Wiesław Duda, Andrzej Szedel
Renal transplantation with elimination of the warm ischemia time. Preliminary communication
Artur Pupka, Paweł Chudoba, Dariusz Patrzałek, Piotr Szyber
Acute renal failure secondary to retroperitoneal abscess
Anna Bednarek-Skublewska, Krzysztof Bar, Iwona Baranowicz-G±szczyk, Lucyna JóĽwiak, Andrzej Ksi±żek
Prognostic factors and the assessment of survival patients with renal cell carcinoma after nephrectomy (ten years of own experience)
Sławomir Dutkiewicz, Władysław Małek, Alojzy Witeska
Ex situ study of the effectiveness of enucleation in patients with renal cell carcinoma as a nephron sparing procedure
Cezary Szcze¶niak, Piotr Chłosta, Tomasz Dzik, Andrzej Borówka
VEGF expression in renal cell cancer
Janusz Dembowski, Paweł Kowal, Michał Wróbel, Anna Kołodziej, Romuald Zdrojowy, Tomasz Szydełko, Tadeusz Niezgoda
Delayed diagnosis of renal carcinoma in patient with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, recurrent hematuria and coexisting adrenocortical carcinoma
Waldemar Elikowski, Ryszard Prędki, Andrzej Karwowski, Mieczysław Gawroński
The results of retroperitoneal laparoscopy in treatment traumatic leasions of kidney
and its complications
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Potyka, Jacek Huk, Mieczysław Dziedzic
Laparoscopic, transperitoneal pyeloplasty - own experience based on the first 20 cases
Tomasz Szydełko, Jarosław Kasprzak, Tadeusz Niezgoda, Romuald Zdrojowy, Janusz Dembowski, Anna Kołodziej, Wojciech Apoznański, Jerzy Lorenz
Selective embolization as a treatment of urinary fistula after dexter nephrectomy, horseshoe kidney
Robert Klijer, Krzysztof Bar, Radosław Pietura, Marek Urban
Diseminated intravascular coagulation after ESWL treatment
Krzysztof Maksymowicz, Janusz Dembowski, Michał Wróbel
Survival patients with renal cell carcinoma after nephrectomy in own material
Marek Grabowski, Andrzej Sikorski
A diagnostic value of aspirative biopsy and core biopsy of kidney tumors
Wojciech Husiatyński, Cezary Szczę¶niak, Andrzej Borówka1\', Joanna Ostrowska, Jan Faryna, Tomasz Dzik
Spontaneous rupture of the kidney sarcoma
Marek Długosz, Grzegorz Zarzycki
The management in patients with kidney tumors and metastatic pathological fractures
and independing fractures of the long bones
Roman Król
Angiofibromyolipoma of the kidney imitating tumor of the adrenal gland
Robert Klijer, Krzysztof Bar, Waldemar Białek, Radosław Pietura
Atypical course of the Le¶niowski-Crohn disease as a tumor of the kidney and colon
Maciej Kierzkiewicz, Sławomir Dutkiewicz, Władysław Małek, Alojzy Witeska, Grażyna Rydzewska
Probability of renewal and distant metastases in B and C stadium according to Robson in patients suffering from renal cell carcinoma, treated with nephrectomy and irradiation
Małgorzata Zarzycka, Zbigniew Wolski, Wiesława Windorbska, Andrzej Lebioda
Retroperitoneal cystic tumor imitating a renal cyst as a diagnostic and therapeutic problem
Jerzy Michalak, Krzysztof Bar, Andrzej Wolski, Danuta Skomra
Tuberculosis of the prostate after renal transplantation, a case report
Anna Bednarek-Skublewska, Janusz Ciechan, Iwona Baranowicz-G±szczyk, Zofia Siezieniewska-Sikorska, Krzysztof Bar, Andrzej Ksi±żek
Assessment of two-stage surgical treatment (nephrectomy + nephron sparing surgery) in patients with bilateral asynchronous cancer of the kidney
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Jacek Huk, Andrzej Paradysz, Andrzej Potyka
Renal injuries - diagnostic and tretment management in polish urologicai
departments between 1995 and 1999
Zygmunt F. Dobrowolski, Wojciech Habrat, Wacław Lipczyński, Piotr Jakubik, Jacek Kusionowicz, Joanna Jakowicka-Wordliczek
Videoendoscopic retroperitoneal nephrectomy performed in flank or prone position:
a comparison of two techniques
Wiesław Urbanowicz, Maria Wieczorek, Marek Górniak, Michał Wolnicki, Barbara Mrożek
Conservative management of horseshoe kidney injury
Maciej Niemierko, Janusz Gołębiewski, Bolesław Kuzaka
Renal cell carcinoma combined with urinary tract tuberculosis in a 22-year-old woman
Wojciech Kołaczyk, Jarosław Lewandowski
The use of percutaneous nephrostomy in Urological Department of The Voivodeship Hospital
in Zamo¶ć between 1999-2001
Tomasz Modrzewski, Krzysztof G±siorek
Casuistic polyuria after relieving urinary obstruction in patient with solitary kidney blocked
by the ureteric stone
Krzysztof G±siorek, Tomasz Modrzewski, Krzysztof Bar, Anna Bednarek-Skublewska
Symptomatic hematomas after ESWL
Bolesław Kuzaka, Cezary Torz, Tomasz Ferenz, Andrzej Borkowski
Renal leiomyoma of the kidney
Bolesław Kuzaka, Tomasz Borkowski, Roman Pykało
The effect of the administration recombinat activated factor Vila (rFVIIa) in intraoperative
bleeding in patient undergoing kidney tumorectomy
Grażyna Michalska-Krzanowska, Elżbieta Stasiak-Pikuła, Renata Sajdak
Histopathology of the renol cell carcinoma
Marian Sulik
The positifve result of the nephron - sparing surgery in the bilateral kidney tumors of large dimensions
Andrzej Mura, Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Witold Patrzyk, Ryszard Pielorz, Stanisław Wawryka
Four years obsevation period patient with renal cancer after nephrectomy
and reconstruction inferior vena cava
Ryszard Pielorz, Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Witold Patrzyk, Andrzej Mura, Stanisław Wawryka
Coincidence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and angiomyolipoma (AML) in the same kidney
Bolesław Kuzaka, Roman Pykało, Maciej Niemierko, Nelson Aponte
Value of laparoscopic enucleation in patients with small renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Andrzej Potyka, Zbigniew Kaletka, Jacek Huk
The comparison of radical versus kidney sparing surgery for renal
cancer stage T1;, N0 M„. The prospective randomised clinical trial
Andrzej Stokłosa, Maciej Czaplicki, Andrzej Borkowski
Long results of treatment of simple renal cysts by percutaneous puncture
and instillation scleroting agents
Tadeusz Spruch, Dariusz Stępnik, Robert Klijer
Lech Cyryłowski, Sławomir Archimowicz, Janusz Kordowski