PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Urologia Polska 1979/32/4

Massive haematuria after abdominal trauma as a presenting sign in bladder papilloma
Jerzy Golański
Effect of environment on the development of nephrolithiasis
Zbigniew Kwias, Marek Turski, Wojciech Twardosz
Andrzej Kaczmarek
Spermatic cord tumour
Krystyna Słapczynska-Kupczak
Andrzej Kaczmarek
Wilms' tumour in an adult man
Lesław Steinmetz, Anna Raczyńska
Postoperative course in patients with prostatic adenoma admitted to hospital with indwelling catheter
Maciej Czaplicki, Józefa Wencel, Tadeusz NiedĽwiedzki
Ureteroureterostomy as a method of reflux treatment in a case of pelvic and ureteral reduplication
Mirosław Kazoń, Piotr Rysiński, Barbara Zofia Zielińska
Andrzej Musierowicz, Adam Alexandrowicz
Benign renal adenoma
Stanisław D±bkowski, Alojzy Witeska, Jerzy Zachwiej
Bolesław Kuzaka
Diagnostic difficulties in traumatic damage to the bladder
Andrzej Nowak, Jerzy Zieliński
Ureterocalycostomy with mahoneya anastomosis
Bolesław Kuzaka
Papillomas of renal pelvis and calyces
Jerzy Golański
Bolesław Kuzaka
A case of intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder
Aleksander Bęc
Symptomatic hypertension after trauma to dysplastic kidney
J. Marek Słomiński, Jerzy Korda
Pyelonephritis xanthogranulomatosa
Brunon Osadzin
Renal failure due to prostatic adenoma in a man aged 41 years
Alojzy Witeska, Stanisław D±bkowski, Zygmunt Lorencewicz
Results of surgical treatment of effort urinary incontinence in women by the method of Marshall-Marchetti
Alojzy Witeska, Edward Daszkiewicz, Wojciech Romaszewski