PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Urologia Polska 2007/60/4


Radiofrequency ablation: An option and a dilemma in kidney tumours management
Marek Salagierski2, Maciej Salagierski1, Waldemar Różański2, Anna Salagierska-Barwińska3
Radiofrequency ablation: An option and a dilemma in kidney tumours management
Marek Salagierski2, Maciej Salagierski1, Waldemar Różański2, Anna Salagierska-Barwińska3


Laparoscopic adrenalectomy – safety assessment based on single center experience
Tomasz Szydełko1, Monika Bonczyk1, Jarosław Kasprzak1, Wojciech Apoznański2, Tadeusz Niezgoda1, Janusz Dembowski1, Anna Kołodziej1, Romuald Zdrojowy1

Review Articles

What do we expect from treating prostate cancer?
Peter Whelan

Review articles

New strategies in treatment of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Jakub Żołnierek,Piotr Wysocki,Paweł Nurzyński
Diagnostic workup of the urinary tract diseases with the use of fluorescent probes and in situ hybridization techniques
Tomasz Drewa, Zbigniew Wolski, Joanna Łysik
Human genome decoded
Stanisław Wroński

Urological oncology

Small cell carcinoma of the bladder
Tomasz Borkowski, Bolesław Kuzaka, Paweł Szalecki, Joanna Sańko-Resmer, Roman Pykało
The influence of surgical approach on the results of treatment of renal cell cancer
Leszek Bortnowski, Henryk Zieliński, Grzegorz Piotrowicz
The results of treatment of patients with stage T1 transitional cell bladder carcinoma after intravesical BCG vaccine infusions
Andrzej Alter, Tomasz Demkow, Paweł Wiechno

Prostate diseases

Serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) evaluated before and after transvesical prostatectomy
Sławomir Dutkiewicz, Maciej Fortuna


The role of laparoscopic cyst decortication (LCD) in the treatment of autosomal dominant policystic kidney disease (AD PKD)
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Jacek Huk, Andrzej Kupilas, Aleksandra Sitko-Saucha

Reconstructive urology

The use of haemostatic agent TachoComb® in management of splenic capsular tears during nephrectomy done for renal cancer
Henryk Zieliński, Bohdan Pawlicki, Jacek Anusik, Leszek Bortnowski, Grzegorz Piotrowicz, Marek Gałka

Erectile dysfunction & andrology

Quantitative and qualitative assessment of erectile dysfunction in men after surgical interventional treatment of BPH
Tomasz Jakubczyk, Piotr Kryst, Krzysztof Pych, Bartosz Dybowski, Albert Gugała, Grzegorz Madej, Ryszard Hanecki, Andrzej Borkowski
Sexual activity versus risk factors of atherosclerosis and changes in hormonal levels in young men
Jolanta Słowikowska-Hilczer, Krzysztof Kula, Katarzyna Marchlewska, Elżbieta Oszukowska, Anna Gumińska, Sylwia Jastrzębska, Edyta Kramek, Eliza Zawadzka, Renata Walczak-Jędrzejowska

Neurourology & urodynamics

The role of transrectal ultrasound measurement of urethral opening during micturition in men treated with doxazosin due to benign prostate hyperplasia
Marek Wyczółkowski, Andrzej Prajsner, Włodzimierz Klima, Lesław Malik, Tomasz Drewniak, Maciej Rzepecki

Paediatric urology

Nephron sparing surgery in the treatment of a child with oncocytoma
Wojciech Apoznański, Krystyna Sawicz-Birkowska

Basic science

Evaluation of the degree of wear and tear or the damage of the probes and laser fibers of various types of lasers
Waldemar Różański, Leszek Klimek, Piotr Chłosta, Stanisław Stępień, Zbigniew Jabłonowski, Marek Lipiński, Marek Sosnowski

Diagnostic imaging

Comparison of diagnostic imaging value between magnetic rezonans (MR) of the pelvis and transrectal ultrasound exam (TRUS) in prostate cancer detection
Elżbieta Łuczyńska, Joanna Anioł, Andrzej Stelmach, Janusz Jaszczyński

Giant ureteric calculus

Giant ureteric calculus
Artur Pietrusa, Michał Fryczkowski, Mateusz Łukomski, Adel Abu-Ali, Krzysztof Łukojć

Case report

Prostate cancer metastasis into the testicle
Mehmet Yucel, Sahin Kabay, Esra Gurlek Olgun, Tayfun Aydin, Namik Kemal Hatipoglu

Urological literature review

Spinal-injured neurogenic bladder antysepsis (SINBA) trial
Lee BB, Haran MJ, Simpson JM, Murial O, Rutkowski SB