PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
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Urologia Polska 2008/61/1

Testosterone and prostate cancer
Monika Bonczyk, Romuald Zdrojowy, Dominika Makota, Anna Kołodziej

Urologia Polska 2007/60/4

What do we expect from treating prostate cancer?
Peter Whelan
Diagnostic workup of the urinary tract diseases with the use of fluorescent probes and in situ hybridization techniques
Tomasz Drewa, Zbigniew Wolski, Joanna Łysik
Comparison of diagnostic imaging value between magnetic rezonans (MR) of the pelvis and transrectal ultrasound exam (TRUS) in prostate cancer detection
Elżbieta Łuczyńska, Joanna Anioł, Andrzej Stelmach, Janusz Jaszczyński
Prostate cancer metastasis into the testicle
Mehmet Yucel, Sahin Kabay, Esra Gurlek Olgun, Tayfun Aydin, Namik Kemal Hatipoglu

Urologia Polska 2007/60/3

In vitro studies on prostate cancer: characteristics of PC3, DU145 and LNCaP cell lines
Anna Stachurska, Michał Wronka, Hanna Maria Kowalczyńska
Oncological characterization of impalpable prostate cancer
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka, Gerard Grotthuss, Tomasz Dzik, Łukasz Nyk, Piotr Chłosta, Artur A. Antoniewicz

Urologia Polska 2007/60/2

Treatment approaches in patients with hormone resistant prostate cancer
Theo M. de Reijke, Jean J.M.C.H. de la Rosette, Cora N. Sternberg
The role of serum testosterone concentration in patients under hormonal therapy due to prostate cancer
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka
Dendritic cell vaccines for prostate cancer
Ivo Minarik, Ivan Kawaciuk, Jirina Bartunkova

Urologia Polska 2007/60/1

Modern possibilities of magnetic resonanse (MR) imaging in the diagnostics of prostate cancer
Robert Chrzan, Andrzej Urbanik, Zygmunt Dobrowolski, Wacław Lipczyński
Comparison of clinical and pathological stage and grade of prostate cancer
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka, Gerard Grotthuss, Tomasz Dzik,Piotr Chłosta, Artur A. Antoniewicz
Digital rectal examination as preliminary evaluation of local stage of prostate cancer prior to radical prostatectomy
Zbigniew Wolski, Łukasz Pokrywka, Michał Bryczkowski, Tomasz Drewa

Urologia Polska 2006/59/4

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for prostate cancer patients
Agata Rembielak
Prostate cancer clinical stage at diagnosis
Jakub Dobruch, Elza Modzelewska, Monika Popiel, Stanisław Szempliński, Gerard Grotthuss, Tomasz Dzik, Artur A. Antoniewicz, Piotr Chłosta, Andrzej Borówka

Urologia Polska 2006/59/3

Mechanisms underlying hormone resistance of prostate cancer
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka

Urologia Polska 2006/59/2

Positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy. Part I
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka, Tomasz Dzik, Przemysław Szostek, Artur A. Antoniewicz, Piotr Chłosta
Positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy. Part II
Andrzej Borówka, Jakub Dobruch, Tomasz Dzik, Przemysław Szostek, Artur A. Antoniewicz, Piotr Chłosta
Preoperative estimation of usefulness of PSA and digital rectal examination in correlation with unfavorable prognostic pathological changes occurrence in specimen after radical prostatectomy
Krzysztof Bar, Robert Klijer, Radosław Starownik, Lech Wronecki, Marek Urban, Waldemar Białek
Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: perioperative complications in an initial series of 50 cases
Tomasz Szydełko, Jarosław Kasprzak, Paweł Kowal, Bartosz Małkiewicz, Tadeusz Niezgoda, Janusz Dembowski, Anna Kołodziej, Romuald Zdrojowy, Jerzy Lorenz

Urologia Polska 2006/59/1

Side effects of hormonal therapy in prostate cancer
Mmc Van Den Heijkant, Jjmch De La Rosette, Tm De Reijke
LHRH antagonist � new way of hormonal treatment of prostate cancer
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka
Prostate cancer bone metastases � signs, diagnosis and pathogenesis
Andrzej Borówka, Jakub Dobruch, Artur A. Antoniewicz
The continence status of patients with very large prostates after radical retropubic prostatectomy
Dmitry Y. Pushkar, Alexander V. Govorov, John W. Kosko

Urologia Polska 2005/58/4

The risk of induction of second cancer as a consequence of radiotherapy of prostate cancer
Piotr Milecki, Zbigniew Kwias
Results of radical prostatectomy performed in patients with and above age specific ranges of PSA (AS PSA)
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Zofia Krauze-Balwińska, Andrzej Paradysz, Tomasz Pawlikowski, Maciej Szczębara
Rare case of bilateral testicular and epididymal metastasis of prostate cancer
Marek Lipiński, Mariusz Szewczyk, Leszek Jeromin

Urologia Polska 2005/58/3

The significance of the stem cells in prostate cancer genesis and development
Tomasz Drewa, Zbigniew Wolski, Dorota Olszewska-Słonina

Urologia Polska 2005/58/2

Radical prostatectomy in Poland
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka, Artur A. Antoniewicz, Piotr Chłosta

Urologia Polska 2005/58/1

Intermittent More Complete Androgen Blockade in 5-year Tentative Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer T3NxMx-1
Sławomir Dutkiewicz
Epidemiology of prostate cancer: changes observed in Poland in 1991-2000
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka, Artur A. Antoniewicz, Piotr Chłosta

Urologia Polska 2004/57/3

Screening study aiming at an early diagnosis of the prostatic cancer: related epidemiological problems and natural history of the disease
Jakub Dobruch, Andrzej Borówka, Artur A. Antoniewicz, Piotr Chłosta

Urologia Polska 2003/56/2

Immunogenotherapy of prostate cancer
Jerzy Trojan, Piotr Kopiński, Tomasz Drewa, Jolanta Powierska-Czarny, Joanna Pacholska, Piotr Jarocki, Zbigniew Wolski

Urologia Polska 2003/56/1

High dose rate brachytherapy combined with external beam radiotherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer patients
Zbigniew Wolski, Andrzej Wronczewski, Roman Makarewicz, Anna Wronczewska

Urologia Polska 2002/55/3

Epitestosterone in the etiology of carcinoma of the prostate
Marek Mędra¶, Andrzej Basiewicz

Urologia Polska 2001/54/3

Laparoscopic retroperitoneal ilio-obturatory Surgical approach was obtained with Gaur\'s baloon. Technic, results, complications
Piotr Marczyński, Paweł Wiechno, Beata Paluchowska, Tomasz Wi¶niewski, Artur Sieczych

Urologia Polska 2001/54/1

Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. Indications and technique of the procedure
Eugeniusz Mięko¶